This post has nothing to do with being single or dating or people sending me pictures of their penises. But I heard this story last week and it's so hilarious that I'm posting it. I'll get back to the dating nonsense next time.
The Hobbit: A True Story
My Younger Brother lives next door to a family whose son is autistic. This kid is 14, and they're just starting to leave him at home on his own once in a while. A couple of weeks ago, the parents left him at home and ran some errands. When they got home, the door they'd left unlocked (the one in the garage) was locked. Weird. So they rang the doorbell a few times, and finally the kid answered the door. When they asked him why he'd locked the door the kid explained:
"I caught a HOBBIT! He was trying to escape, so I had to lock all the doors."
So fine. This kid has a bit of an imagination. The parents half-listened to his lengthy Hobbit story while they unloaded the groceries from the car. After about an hour, the Dad went upstairs. And noticed that a bunch of furniture was pushed in front of the kid's bedroom door. A bookshelf, an armchair, a big potted plant, etc. So he called the kid upstairs and asked him what was going on. The kid's reply was :
"The Hobbit, Dad! He's a slippery bugger, but I've got him trapped in there."
At which point, the Dad heard muffled knocking sounds coming from the kid's bedroom. He moved all the furniture away and opened the door and... there stood a VERY IRATE Little Person holding a fist-full of Watchtower pamphlets and bible. Evidently, he was not at all amused to have been wrestled up the stairs (not once but TWICE) by a teenager shrieking the phrase "A HOBBIT. I HAVE CAUGHT A HOBBIT" at top volume. The guy didn't press charges, but my brother's neighbours are now re-thinking the whole leaving-the-kid-on-his-own plan. Bet the Jehovah's Witnesses skip that house from now on.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
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